
The Real Mission

"Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life.
You are not responsible for what is happening in the world.

You are responsible for yourself.

You didn't make the world the way it is; the world was already the way it is before you were born.
You didn't come here with a great mission to save the world, to change the society, but surely you come with a big mission, an important mission.

The real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to look at what you believe, the way you judge yourself, the way you victimize yourself."


"Everyone has a price; and Life respects that price.
But that price is not measured in dollars or in gold; it is measured in love.
More than that, it is measured in self-love.
How much you love yourself - that is your price -  and Life respects the price.

When you love yourself, your price is very high, which means your tolerance for self-abuse is very low.
It's very low because you respect yourself.

You like yourself the way you are, and this makes your price higher.
 If you don't like things about yourself, the price is a little lower."

- The Mastery of Love -
- Don Miguel Ruiz -


Never risk losing yourself.

If the choice stands between losing your lover or yourself, - always lose your lover,
 not yourself!
A lover can be replaced by a new one, you have to live with yourself until you die, - no matter what.
Show yourself respect and stand your ground, don’t change yourself to fit better with a lover.
If you can’t be yourself, it’s not worth it!
Be proud of who YOU are!
If you manage to be in peace with and love yourself fully, you won't need anyone to prove their love for you to feel happiness. You will be perfectly fine on your own and a lover will just be a big bonus! Not someone to lean or hang on to exist and feel happiness.
Have you ever thought of that the moment you long for someone else and feel lonely, that you might lack love from yourself and that you don’t like your own company?
Do something about that before you search for someone else to make you happy. Search inwards and find the reasons why you stopped loving yourself and then fix it!
Make yourself happy.
You are worth loving!
If you don’t believe that you are worth loving, like truly and deeply, you will only end up with a lover that “mirrors” your feelings and treat you that way.
Only search for a lover when you love yourself and really feel that you are worth loving, because that’s when you get a lover that treat you with love.
And love you for who you are!
You are worth loving!
You are the most important person in your life!

Remember, - never risk losing yourself.

Copyright - Ingrid NM


Optimism Quotes

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."

- JB Cabell -

"Many an optimist has become rich by buying out a pessimist"

- R Allen -

"An optimist is the human personification of spring"

- SJ Bissonette -