

Endless of Waves and Sunsets!

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me."
- Carol Brunett -

“I just want things to stay the way they are/were, - forever!”. This sentence might sound familiar to you? It sure does to me, I hear people say it all the time. I used to say it myself; until I understood that nothing can stay the way it is forever. Because everything is constantly changing!

It is the way it always has been and always will be. I guess that it’s the only “thing” that will stay the same way forever - that everything is always changing!

So, what do we do about change? We either think that the change is terrible, or good. We feel frustrated and scared, or at peace and in trust with the change. Everyone has a choice! If we try to refuse any change, I am sure that sooner or later we have to accept it.

"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better." 

- King Whitney Jr. -

Change can be so many things. We have small changes and large changes. Some of them makes things better and some of them worse. You can accept or deny change, it will happen in any case. Throughout our whole life we all change! The person I was a year ago, has changed. The person I was only yesterday has also changed, because each day I learn something new, from changes and life itself. Each day I calibrate my inner compass and find a new path to walk on.

Mount Everest NB! Pic from the web...

Some changes are easy to accept and live with, others are harder to face. Like break ups, accidents, illness or death. 

If life throws you off a cliff, what do you do? 

One option is to refuse the change, fold your arms around your body for comfort, feel sorry for yourself and be passive. Then you fall hard to the ground! BANG! Paaaain...

"They always say time changes things, but you acutally have to change them yourself." 
- A. Warhol -

Another, and “better” option, is to use whatever you have; arms, legs, parachutes or wings, and you try to fly like crazy! It might break the fall a bit, even if you can’t fly… When you’ve smashed brutally into the ground, what do you do then? 

You can lay there, feel sorry for yourself and refuse to accept the change. How will that help you? It won’t! You might feel safe where you are laying, but you might lose another opportunity to live

The other option is to get up again… Do a damage control and mend the broken pieces. 

Then you start walking again, slowly but surely, even if it hurts like hell. If you are really brave, you can even start to climb, because then you reach the next peak quicker! It will be more risky to climb straight up, but if you take the chance you can reach the goal faster.  You risk falling down again... 

On the other side, why hurry? One can take the safe route, go slower and less steap, in the end we will all reach the peak! It is up to each and everyone what pace one wants to move in; there are no right or wrong speed. We all have to find our own way to the peak. The landscape will be changing the whole way, - as will we! Enjoy the view on the way up.

Mount Everest  NB! Pic from the web...

Life is constantly changing and so are all human beings. 

Enjoy the changes and the journey of life! 

Even if it might hurt on the way...

Good luck with handling the changes life brings you!

Be brave, patient and stay positive! 

Everything happens for a reason and will turn out alright, 

- in the end...

"We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance."
- H. Ford -

Every Spring Brings New Flowers!

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