
Release Me

- Hector & McCutcheon -

I am the wilderness locked in a cage
I am a growing force you kept in place
I am a tree reaching for the sun
Please don't hold me down
Please don't hold me down

I am a rolling wave without the motion
A glass of water longing for the ocean
I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me
Release me
Release me

I am the rain that's coming down on you
That you shielded yourself from with a roof
I am the fire burning desperately but you're controlling me
Release me
Release me

My comment:

I assume that many people can relate to this song. Since most of us experience a bad relationship or feel misplaced, in one way or another, at least once in a lifetime. I myself have felt like that wilderness locked in a cage, more than once. I’ve felt totally misplaced at times. Surrounded by other human beings, that I didn’t understand and who didn’t understand me.
 It is strange how other people can hold you down and keep you from growing in your own way. Yet, I feel that I am one of “them” at times. I am keeping myself from reaching the sun, from growing wildly and I put myself in a cage. I used to believe that it was “the others”, like friends, enemies or partners, which kept me from flying… But I have come to realise that I keep myself in a cage sometimes.

I’ve removed “the others” opinions about me and thereby unlocked and opened the door to my cage, nevertheless I just managed to sit in the door and look outside. My birds used to do the same when I opened their cage. They would be so surprised that they just looked at the open door. I am sure that if they’d been cartoon figures their jaws would drop to the ground. Then slowly they would move towards their freedom, but at the doorstep they would stop. Like if their veins were filled with ice. They could sit in the door looking outside for ages. If I tried to encourage them to jump outside and fly a bit, they would jump straight back into the safe cage.

I think that I understand their behaviour now. While I am sitting in my own door looking outside at the world, I know that I can just let go and fly! 

Nothing is stopping me! Nothing, - but myself! In the end that is the truth… I can blame all the people in the world, for caging me or holding me down, but that wouldn’t be the truth. The truth is that my own fear is caging me. What if my wings won’t work? I can imagine that my caged birds feared the same, that their wings wouldn’t hold them.

However, deep inside I am a glass of water longing for the ocean. I think that we all are… Deep inside we feel the need to grow and reach the sun. We are born with the wilderness in us. I believe that it is in our nature; we are all children of the earth. From the nature’s side we are meant to be in balance with the surrounding nature. Sooner or later we all have to “uncage” ourselves, try our wings and return to the ocean. I believe that when we find the courage to do so, we will find the balance and our own happiness!

A couple of years ago I became seriously ill. My body stopped working like it should and I have never felt as caged and trapped before. I was caged in my own body. The wilderness inside of me wanted to grow, I wanted to touch the sun and reach the ocean, but I was trapped in bed. In the months that followed my life changed completely. Everything was turned upside down and I had to reconsider my whole life and way of thinking. The doctors are still trying to figure out what the illness, which I have, is and how to cure it. I was told to be my own doctor meantime, since they couldn’t help me. 

When your body takes a break and stop functioning, one tends to seek desperately for a solution and miracle. I’ve learned a lot from that process! Among others that one should avoid the people who keep on stopping you, who won’t let you grow the way you are meant to be. I also learned that I myself control my own thoughts, in either a positive or negative direction. I chose to stay positive, because it is after all a choice. I chose to focus on all the good things in life! My body is still taking breaks, from the high speed I want to live in, so I am forced to be patient. Positive thinking and focus helps me a lot and I am sure that I will be 100% well again, - one day!

I’ve kept myself in a cage in many ways, or sat in the door looking out, but I have and am still changing that. I do my best to leave my safe cage and explore the world, in every way possible.  When the body isn't functioning, I practice in my own universe. I am on my way to the ocean! My wilderness is growing and I am heading towards the sun and no one can stop me! Unless I let “them” do so…

Please join me and explore your own world!

We are living in a magical and beautiful universe, with so many options and endless of love! Please do not forget your own universe, the internal one. It is as magical and amazing, as the external one. Trust me! Your wings will lift you to the sky, if you only let the wind support you and trust your own abilities.

Good luck in reaching the ocean! I’ll meet you there… Enjoy the journey and be inspired by your own life!

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