
Inspiring Books

Here is a list of books, which “changed” my life in one way or another. The books have given me inspiration, motivation and strength.

Hopefully these books can inspire you as well!
There will be added more books, as I am discovering new ones...
I will do my best to write a bit about each author and book, as well. Please be patient if my comment about the author or book is missing, I will add more! ;-)

P.S. The pictures of authors and books are not mine, but found on the web...

Have fun and be inspired!

- Don Miguel Ruiz -

"The Voice of Knowledge" & "The Mastery of Love"

My comment:
I discovered this author on a day when I really needed something to hold on to. I was all alone in a foreign country, longing home for my family and friends, knowing that it was many months before I could return home. I ended up in a book store, which from then on meant a lot to me, and "The Voice of Knowledge" captured my attention. I fell in love with the book at once and had to buy it. It is an amazing story about Ruiz's life journey and how he received the Toltec Wisdom, spiced up with nice anecdotes. While and after reading it, I felt completely at peace and I was so happy. I felt like I was flying and had no worries at all, I was filled with a joy that's difficult to describe. I wish that everyone would read this book and understand its meaning. It might be difficult to grasp it all, but it is worth a try. Besides, after each chapter the main points are repeated. The book is written in a straight forward way, with nice metaphors to make it easier to understand. If you get hold of the great wisdom in the story, you get a key to inner peace and happiness! 

After finishing "The Voice of Knowledge", I had to return to the book store for Ruiz's other books. "The Mastery of Love" is also a beautiful book, packed with wisdom about love. I just love the methaphors that Ruiz uses, they make it so easy to understand. The can seem simple, but are brilliant. We are all in need of love, without it life seems meaningless and babies die without it. "The Mastery of Love" gives us a nice recipe to how one can get endless of love, throughout your whole life! Give it a try and hopefully you will find the key to the spring of love. 

Get inspired and be at peace!

- James Redfield -

"The Celestine Prophecy"

My comment:
Since I was a little girl I've had an urge for more knowledge and wisdom. The Celestine Prophecy is a great source for exactly that and it opened my mind to a new world. I think that every open minded person would find this book very interesting. The story brings you to a whole new level of understanding life itself. When you've started to read it is almost impossible to put the book down. You follow the journey of a young man, who's drawn into a thrilling quest of finding the truth about The Celestine Prophecy. During the journey he discovers new sides of himself and life. The story is filled with action and you won't get bored. I believe that we all can learn some essential life wisdom by reading this book. Read it and get inspired!

- Paulo Coelho -

"The Alchemist"

My comment:
Coming up!

- Robin Sharma -

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

My comment:
Coming up!